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Know the power of I that lies within you with spiritual warrior

“In the journey of knowing myself, I will always be with me.”

Confused with the quote? It is about knowing and loving yourself to be your own support and becoming a spiritual warrior. Be your guide and mentor to understand and reveal those hidden truths of your personality and potential.

What is spiritual inner self?

I am not the fragment of your imagination; I am the inner voice which is very much active in your life.

What you think and believe comes from within. This depends on your perception- perspective-proposing. This will make you liberated from the uncanny thoughts that have covered you and is holding you back to show yourself completely.

Your spiritual inner self will never let you be so judgmental and critical of yourself. You are much more worthy than you can think. The concept of judgment arises when you need to make a choice. But in reality it is not about making a choice as in the infinity of innocence, your inner self has no free will.

For a long period of time, to fit in; you have made many sacrifices and drawn limitations. But are those really necessary? Don’t force a dilemma on yourself, as you are much more worthy than you know.

How will you follow your inner light?

It is not about chanting a word, going to sleep and next morning when you wake up, you will be all fine. No, this never happens. Rather, it is a long process that you need to do by maintaining your calm. There are academies where you will find spiritual guides, who are not only experienced in awakening the inner eye but will also help in understanding yourself in true senses.

What about personal growth development?

Personal growth development is an imperative notion that should be kept in mind. Yes, to understand the laws of life and to deal with it, one should be strong and determined. This is the only way with which you can develop yourself and grow as a better person.

Fill your heart with kindness and gratitude – spread happiness to be happy.

How will that be good for others?

Universal Love: Every living thing and every creation of nature are worthy of your love. The whole universe is nothing but a form of power and the love we spread or share is energy that initiates the power to develop more. This way, one will be able to relate and retaliate in a much sensible manner, making the world a much happier place.

Can this be related to global transformation?

Yes, this is a global spiritual transformation that will bring a sense of relief not only to you but also to nature. Once the mind is calm, the ideas and urge of misuse will reduce. The beauty of nature should be appreciated not overused for self-benefit. This can shift the balance in the direction of Armageddon.

To bring about harmony in nature and peace in your mind, be the spiritual warrior of your own. Let there be light even in the darkest days as your positivity is way more powerful than all that is destructive to this world.


About the Author

David Love

David Love

David Love

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